Jones Quinn, Ruby - Obituaries |

Jones Quinn, Ruby



Passed away peacefully on June 18, 2010 in her 88th year at the palliative care unit CHUS Hotel Dieu after her confrontation with cancer. Beloved wife of Thomas Quinn, whom she married 70 years ago Dec 7,1940. Loving mother of son Gary Quinn(Anelise) former daughter-in-law (Andree), loving mother of daughter Sandra Kinkead (Gordon), dear grandmother of Kimberly (Yvan) Darlene, Claudine (Bob), Christine (Christopher) and Thomas. Dear great-grandmother of Kevin, Vanessa, Quinn, Aidan and Paige. Ruby is survived by her brother Gerald Coates (MaryAnne). She was the sister of the late Beverly Ann Runions. Left to mourn are many nieces, nephews, cousins, other relatives, friends and neighbours. Ruby was a devoted caregiver to her husband Thomas, an adhored model mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. Resting at Cass Funeral Home 3006 College St, Sherbrooke (Lennoxville) Qc (819)564-1750 Visitation on Friday, June 25, 2010 from 10 am - 12 pm followed by service in the funeral home chapel. Interment of ashes will take place in the Cataraqui Cemetery in Kingston, Ontario at a later date. In lieu of floral tributes, donations to either the Canadian Cancer Society 3330 rue King ouest, bureau 130, Sherbrooke (Quebec) J1L 1C9 or the Alzheimer Society Estrie 375 rue Argyll, Edifice Norton, Local 0725, Sherbrooke, Quebec J1J 3H5 would be most appreciated

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