Marsh, Shirley - Obituaries |

Marsh, Shirley

MARSH, Shirley

1950 - 2022

We are saddened to announce the passing away of Mrs. Shirley Marsh, at the Magog Hospital on December 7,2022 at the age of 72. Daughter of the late Stanley Marsh and the late Barbara Armistead,and wife of Georges Danneau . 

Mrs. Marsh leaves to mourn her daughter Spring (Medhat) and grand daughter Amanie. She was also the sister of Gail (Roland), Chris, Marilyn, April (Michael) and Larry, and leaves many other friends and family. 

The family will dispose of the ashes as per Shirley’s wishes at a later date. 

Very special thanks to Pamela Batchelor and her daughter Tina for the great care given to Shirley. 

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11 messages received

Spring and family

Our deepest sympathies. We have amazing memories of hours spent at your place, my mom is with her up there, welcoming her with open arms and waiting to dance! Xxx from TiPouce, Melanie and Joanne, our hearts are with you xxx

Joanne, December 12, 2022

Georges Danneau et famille et Normand et Julienne

Mes sympathies à toute la famille.

Michelle Isabelle, December 12, 2022

Georges Danneau and family

Please accept our deepest condolences.
Denise and Fred Mueller

Denise Mueller, December 13, 2022

Georges et famille

Nos sincères condoléances pour la perte de Shirley

Guy et Claire Audet, December 13, 2022

Georges Danneau et Famille

Nos sympaties a toi et ta famille.

Paul and Linda Durocher, December 14, 2022

Georges et famille

Mes plus sincères sympathies.

Réjean Corriveau, December 15, 2022

Georges and family

We are so sorry for your lost.

Mike & Jane Thompson, December 16, 2022

Spring, George and all the family.

I know you will always miss her as we will. We will cherish the memories.

Marilyn and Justin, December 18, 2022

Georges , spring , Amanie & family

My deepest sympathy’s to all.

She was the kindest soul

A tree is planted
in memory of the deceased
Tina godbout, December 20, 2022

Georges , spring , Amanie & family

My deepest sympathy’s to all.
She was the kindest soul

Tina godbout, December 20, 2022

Spring Danneau

Aunt Shirley was an angel to me throughout my life. The world is a little colder without her, but she left us with so many good memories. May God protect her always.

Joseph Tougas, December 21, 2022

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