Lortie Bailey, Solange - Obituaries |

Lortie Bailey, Solange


1933 - 2022

At the Hotel-Dieu hospital in Sherbrooke, on June 17 2022, at the age of 89 years old, passed away Mrs. Solange Lortie, wife of the late Bernard Bailey. She was the daughter of the late Doloré Lortie and the late Eugénie Provençal.

She will be missed by her children: Wenda and Michael (Véronique); her grandson Kevin (Sabrina) and her great grandson Lennon.

She was sister to the late Aimé Lortie and leaves to mourn, her sisters Gabrielle (late Émile Paré), Blanche (late Lyvio St-Pierre) as well as nephews, nieces, other relatives and friends.

Family and friends will meet at Cass Funeral Home, 3006 College St. Sherbrooke (Lennoxville), on Saturday, October 8, 2022 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., followed by burial at the Crooker Brook Cemetery in Dixville.

The family wishes to extend their sincere thanks to the hospital nurses and support staff during her stay in hospital and also to Cass funeral home of Lennoxville, all for their kindness, advice and devotion.

As a memorial tribute, donations to the Fondation Vitae (375, rue Argyll, Sherbrooke ,QC, J1J 3H5) or to the Fondation du CHUS (530, 10e Avenue Sud, Sherbrooke, QC, J1G 2R9) would be appreciated.



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3 messages received

Ses sœurs,Mmes St-Pierre et Paré

Mes Sympathies à toutes(même s’ils sont tardifs)Solanges est trépassée au mois de juin mais je viens de l’apprendre je ne la connaissais que de vu parce j’habitais Waterville mais plus tard,une de mes cousine a épousée son neveu MES SYMPATHIES À TOUTES

May my support
warm your heart
Marc Gervais , September 25, 2022

La famille

Nos plus sincères condoléances à tous

May my support
warm your heart
Lucie Lamoureux (réceptionniste), October 1, 2022


My dearest friend Wenda just heard of your mother*s passing. We might not see each other but my thoughts and prays are with you. May she fly with the angels.

Marlene Halman (Kinghorn), November 15, 2022

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