Brennan, Thomas - Obituaries |

Brennan, Thomas



Passed away peacefully at the Hotel Dieu Hospital, Sherbrooke, QC on Thursday, October 20th , 2005, in his 80th year.. Thomas Brennan, devoted husband of Caroline Bush, also leaves to mourn his sisters Alice ( the late Alan Cumber ) and Frances ( Albert McCowan ); his nieces: Janet ( Jean Peloquin ), Ruth ( Richard Layden ), Mary ( Patrick Bernier ), Nancy and Reena; his sisters-in-law and brothers-in-law: Margaret ( Paul Plouffe ),Calgary, Angela Laprise , Fleurimont, Patrick ( Gisèle Milette ), Ottawa, Marilyn (the late Leopold Lebrun ), Fleurimont and Marlene ( Marcel Ferland ), Fleurimont, also other relatives and dear friends. Resting at the Cass Funeral Home, 6 Belvidere Rd, Lennoxville, QC.:Tel: 564-1750 /, where friends and family may visit on Monday, October 24th 2005, from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. A funearl service will be held at St. Anthony's Catholic Church on Tuesday, October 25th at 11:00 a.m. Interment in St. Anthony's Cemetery, Lennoxville, QC.

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