Dustin Sisco, Vera - Obituaries |

Dustin Sisco, Vera


1919 - 2020

We are saddened to announce the passing of Mrs. Vera Dustin Sisco at the Magog hospital on September 30th, 2020 in her 102nd year. She was predeceased by her husband Charles Sisco.

 Vera leaves to mourn her children Carol (Arnold) Rever and Gary (Kathy) Sisco; her grandchildren: Todd (Manon), Judi (John), Jared and Cade; her great-grandchildren: Emilie, Amanda, Aisha and Mikaelle. She is survived by her brother Melvin and sister Joyce. She will be missed by many nieces and nephews, other relatives and friends.

 There will be a private graveside service at a later date. 

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10 messages received

The Family

We extend our deepest sympathy to all of the family. She was such a sweet ,happy, little lady. May she rest in peace .
Larry and Lorrayne Markwell

LORRAYNE MARKWELL, September 30, 2020



Mary Lou Gustin, September 30, 2020

Carol, Gary & family

Sad to hear, what a special lady , good memories of her, gentle, jolly and a good sense of humour,
The Pepin Family

Jocelyne Pepin Young, September 30, 2020

Gary, Carol and family

Sorry to hear about your Mom. Deepest Sympathy Heather Johnston Cooper

Heather, October 1, 2020

Melvin ,phyllis and family ,Linda and family

Mary Lou

Mary Lou Gustin, October 2, 2020

Carol, Gary and the rest of the family

Our deepest sympathy to you all. Vera was one of my favorite people she was so full of life and was always welcoming when we went to visit. I sure have a lot of good memories of her and Charlie.

Delbert and Christina Smith, October 3, 2020

The Family

Sending our heartfelt condolences. I loved Auntie Vera. She was kind, caring, loving and oh....so funny. I last visited her in 2018 in Stanstead and what a fun visit that was. I have many wonderful memories of her and Uncle Charlie and Sunday visits. She lived a long life at 101 and I never knew her to be anything but hard working, creatively working (tee hee) , interesting and always in a good mood. What a gal she was! May she rest in peace in heaven and join her siblings that are waiting for her. Hugs to all the family and remembering our "special lady" at this time.

Jane Schick, October 3, 2020

Joyce and Family

Sorry to hear of your sister’s passing
Thoughts and prayers with you All

Marie& Family

Marie Lidster , October 3, 2020

Gary and Carol

I am very sorry to read about your mother’s passing. I have pleasant memories of her. Thinking of you and your families.

Susan Denney Mott, October 6, 2020

Gary Carol

We were saddened to learn of your mother s passing. She was a good person. You were both blessed for having her with you for all these years. God bless you and your families.

Paul and Monique Pepin

Paul Pepin, October 11, 2020

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