Boomhour Gage, Viola - Obituaries |

Boomhour Gage, Viola



Passed away peacefully on October 11th, 2005 in her 89th year at the I.U.G.S. Youville Pavillon, Sherbrooke, QC following a lengthy illness. Viola was predeceased by her devoted husband Stanley Gage and survived by sisters-in-law: Mrs Dorothy Lee, Mrs. Louise ( Louie ) Gage and Mrs Thelma Gage. Also surviving are many cousins, nieces and nephews. A memorial service will be held at the Stanbidge East United Church, Stanbridge East, QC on Saturday, October 22nd, 2005 at 2:00PM. Interment of the ashes will follow at a later date. A special thank you is extended to Mme Claudette Glaude for her many years of care-giving and love. In lieu of flowers, the family would appreciate donations be made in her memory to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Quebec, 1434 Ste-Catherine St. West, Montreal, QC H3G 1R4. Arrengements entrusted to the Cass Funeral Home, 6 Belvidere St. Lennoxville, QC Tel:564-1750 /

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