Wallace Ross, Wilma - Obituaries |

Wallace Ross, Wilma


1924 - 2020

It is with great sadness that we announce the peacefully passing of Wilma Olive Wallace Ross on Saturday, March 14th, 2020 at the Wales Home in her 96th year.  Loving wife of the late Warren Ross and dear mother of Kelvin “Kelly” (Linda), Shelly (Ben).  Dear grandmother of Debbie, Judy, Alex and Richard.  Great-grandmother of Ashley, Gage, Nicholas, Arielle, Hunter, and Kaliya.  Wilma is survived by many nieces, nephews, family and friends.

A burial has taken place at the Elmwood Cemetery and due to the COVID- 19 a memorial service will be held at a later date.

The family would like to thank all of the staff on Norton 3 at the Wales Home for their wonderful loving care, attention and kindness Mom received while she was there.

In lieu of flowers, donations to the Wales Home, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church or the Elmwood Cemetery would be greatly appreciated by the family.

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10 messages received

Kelly and Linda- kay

Thinking of you and your family at this very sad time.
Our deepest sympathies.
Dennis and Sharon

Sharon Thompson, March 17, 2020

Kelly Linda and family

Our sympathy in the loss of your Mom

Murray Barb Ward and family, March 17, 2020

Shelly and Kelvin

My condolences to you. Your mom was a great person. My thoughts are with you in this difficult moment. Take care xx

Gina Pruneau, March 18, 2020

Kelly( Linda) , Shelley ( Ben) and families

Our deepest sympathy to all of you, you have our love and prayers at this difficult time.
Laverne & Heather Green , Peter Rose & Beverly Phillips, Joanne Townshend and families.

Laverne & Heather Green, March 19, 2020

Kelly and Linda Kay.

My condolences to you and your family.
Will miss Wilma's smile every Sunday morning.
Love to you all. Helen.


Helen Nobes, March 19, 2020

Kelly, Linda and family

Our sympathy in the loss of your Mom

Murray-Barb Ward, March 20, 2020

Kelly & Linda Kay, Shelley & Ben and family

Our sympathy to you all.
Wilma had a nice long life.
She was so fashionable, wearing her high heels well up into her 90's !
She was a part of the St. Andrew's family and will be missed.
Life is never the same without your Mom.
Pam & Pauline

Pamela Goodenough, March 22, 2020

Kelly and Shelly and all the family

Sending our deepest sympathies.

Keith and Myrna Lowry, March 24, 2020

Kelly, Linda Kay & Shelly, Ben

My deepest sympathy in the loss of your Mom.
I will her visits at the Wales Home, it was nice talking about the good times at the Fairs.
I enjoyed sitting with her at the Friday teas at the Home.
She so enjoyed the church suppers you would bring her to in Richmond.
Rest In Peace Wilma.

Jane Simpson Carson

Jane Carson, March 24, 2020

Kelly, Linda Kay & Shelly, Ben

My deepest sympathy in the loss of your Mom.
I will miss her visits at the Wales Home, it was nice talking about the good times at the Fairs.
I enjoyed sitting with her at the Friday teas at the Home.
She so enjoyed the church suppers you would bring her to in Richmond.
Rest In Peace Wilma.

Jane Simpson Carson

Jane Carson, March 24, 2020

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